Many drivers do not use their car much. If you work locally or just use your car to go shopping then your chances of having an accident compared to a person who works on the road or drives a long way to work each day is much less. Insurance companies make money if you don't have accidents so if they believe you are a low risk they won't mind offering you lower rates so if you fall into this category ask for a low mileage restriction in your policy.
Tip 7 - Buy a Cheaper and Smaller Car
If you want to drive down your motoring costs then buy a cheap car which is not highly powered - it will be much cheaper to insure every year and the chances are it will cost a lot less in running costs such as petrol and gas. Try buying a car that is commonplace so servicing and replacement parts are cheap. Avoid cars with modifications and extras that make them stand-out to car thieves.
Tip 8 - Take Third-Party Only
If your car has a high replacement value then fully comprehensive car insurance is essential in case of accidents but otherwise consider the calculated gamble of third-party only insurance if your car has a low value.
Tip 9 - Drive Slowly and Safely
Insurance companies love low risk drivers with a clean driving license as they rarely need to make a claim and so the insurance companies keep all of their premiums. Insurance companies do not like young high risk drivers as they are much more likely to have accidents through inexperience or showing off.
Driving slowly and with due care will help you build up your no-points bonus which will mark you out as a lower risk driver and will result in lower premiums and cheaper car insurance. Any convictions you get on your driving license all increase your car insurance premiums.
Older drivers are preferred by car insurance companies because they are proven to have fewer accidents, so if you fall into this category go to the specialist insurance companies that only offer policies to older drivers.
Tip 10 - Get Your Policies Under One Roof
As well as car and motor insurance you are surely bound to have other insurance policies i.e. home and house insurance. Try your current insurer as they should be wanting more of your business as it costs less to keep a current customer happy than find a new one.
Tip 11 - Pay Annually
Don't be tempted to spread your payment because by paying your car insurance in one lump sum single payment you will save a lot of money. With monthly premiums an amount of interest is added to cover the extra administration so over the long-run it ends up costing you a lot more.
Tip 12 - Named Drivers
Sometimes putting another driver on your car insurance will reduce your premiums. This is mostly the case when the other driver is older and with a clean driving license. They may never even drive the car but by adding them it adds credibility to your application and the insurance company will assume for part of time they will be driving the vehicle.
This article has been exclusively written by the team at insurance spain who aim to meet the needs of people (particularly expats) who are looking for various types of car insurance in Spain.
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